CyraCom Language Access 101

Are you new to language services or you want to improve upon your existing language access program? CyraCom’s Language Access 101 course can help you create a detailed plan to help limited-English proficient patients access your healthcare services.

What you’ll learn:

  • Compliance with major laws and major certification programs

  • Essential services: Interpretation services and translation & localization services

    • When/how to use OPI and VRI (phone vs. video)
    • How to make sure your staff is qualified, and what to expect with on-site vendor interpreters
    • Getting the most value from translation & localization services

  • Training and staff adoption for your facilities

  • Best practices and cultural competency, such as how to interact with the DHOH, etc.

Why you should sign up:

CyraCom has been a language services industry leader for decades and wants to share our knowledge. Language Access 101 has tips and tricks from interpretation and translation experts to help you create a custom plan for your facility. We’ve included carefully researched white papers, case studies, and articles to boost your knowledge and encourage stakeholder buy-in.

At the end of the course, you’ll receive a detailed, editable checklist that you can use to build out your language access plan or review your current plan for any areas that could be improved. This checklist includes cross-referenced and accumulated Joint Commission and DNV standards, Section 1557 requirements, and other best practices to help you create a comprehensive language access plan.

How CyraCom Language Access 101 works:

Over the course of six weeks, we’ll deliver twelve resource-packed emails directly to your inbox. You’ll receive the first email from CyraCom International the same day you sign up, so make sure to check your spam filter.

Ready to get started?

Complete the form to subscribe to CyraCom’s Language Access 101 course: