How to host a video meeting or telehealth call with an interpreter

Regina Wetzel
4 Min Read

A video interpreter is essential for a successful remote video consultation with limited-English proficient patients or customers.

Health systems and hospitals across the country have adopted telehealth solutions as an alternative to meeting patients in person. Many businesses and other organizations have also adopted video teleconferencing technology to comply with social distancing guidelines from the CDC while maintaining communication with their customers.

Overcome Language Barriers with a Video Interpreter

CyraCom has released a telehealth and video web-conferencing integration solution for our video interpretation service, called CyraCom Connect. With CyraCom Connect, you can invite a video interpreter to a telehealth or video meeting call that you have arranged through an existing teleconference platform.

CyraCom Connect works with various popular video conferencing applications, such as Zoom, Webex, Vidyo, eVisit, and many more. Since many organizations need this feature to comply with CDC guidelines for limiting the spread of the virus, CyraCom is currently offering CyraCom Connect at no additional cost for clients who already use video interpretation or those who sign up while the offer is still available.

Visit our Connect page for more information or to sign up:

Pro-tips for Working with a Video Interpreter on a Remote Video Call


Teleconference calls require a strong internet connection, otherwise your streaming video or audio may cut out. Make sure you have a strong internet connection before you set up a call.


Move a light source in front of you so that your face is not cast in shadow.


If you are able, use a headset for optimal sound.

How to keep the conversation clear and flowing:

  • Pause briefly before speaking after each interpretation or you may cut off the interpreter before they are finished. Use visual cues from the interpreter’s video as your guide.
  • Make sure you enunciate and speak at a slightly slower speed.
  • Speak in a normal tone and at a normal volume.


How to Start a Call

  • Allow the interpreter to greet you and the patient/customer when they join the meeting.
  • Write the interpreter ID number down for documentation.
  • Provide the interpreter with a brief explanation of the call and introduce the parties.


How to Work Effectively with an Interpreter

We train our employee interpreters to speak as the client or patient when interpreting. Because of this, it’s important to speak in the first person as yourself. Don’t say things like, “Tell the patient to take her temperature.” Instead, say, “Take your temperature.” It will help the session go smoothly and convey your message more efficiently.

It also helps our interpreters if you use short but complete phrases. Interpreters rely on note-taking and short-term memory to interpret between parties. The shorter the message, the less likely the interpreter will need to ask for repetition.

Avoid slang, jargon, or metaphors, which are difficult to convey across languages and cultures. If cultural or linguistic issues arise, allow the interpreter to clarify these for the limited-English proficient person.

Ready to Get Started?

Visit our Connect page for more information or to sign up:


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