NEW: Translation & Localization 101 Course

Lindsay Lawson
1 Min Read

When did you last review your translation offerings? Whether you’re new to language services or want to improve upon your existing plan, CyraCom can help.

Our new Translation & Localization 101 course can help you provide better support for your limited-English proficient employees and customers.

What you’ll learn:

Compliance with major laws

  • Section 1557
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • OSHA Standards

Essential translation services

  • Document translation
  • Transcription
  • Website localization
  • Captioning, voiceover, & more

Best practices, tips, & tricks

  • How to choose a translation partner
  • What information should you translate
  • Long-term savings opportunities

Training and staff adoption for your employees

Why you should sign up:

CyraCom has been a language services industry leader for decades and want to share our knowledge. We’ve included carefully researched white papers, case studies, and articles to boost your knowledge and encourage stakeholder buy-in.

How it works:

Over the course of three weeks, we’ll deliver resource-packed emails directly to your inbox. You’ll receive the first email from CyraCom International the same day you sign up, so make sure to check your spam filter. 

Ready to dive in?
Sign up for CyraCom’s Translation & Localization e-Learning course


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