Can machine translation (MT) replace human translators?

Lindsay Lawson
2 Min Read

Machine Translation (MT) has advanced significantly in the past decade to the point that people wonder if human translation will be relevant in future generations.

In our latest resource-packed landing page, we analyze MT’s accuracy and quality translation capabilities to determine when or if it will surpass human translators.

MT vs. Human Translation

Our MT landing page reviews studies and real-life examples of these issues, and we encourage you to check it out. In the meantime, here’s the TL;DR:

While MT is often easy to use, cost-efficient, and faster than human translation, MT programmers have yet to resolve several crucial pitfalls:

  • Liability
  • Literal Translation
  • Literacy Levels
  • Data Security
  • Varying Accuracy for Different Languages
  • Cultural Understanding
  • Gender Bias
  • Pronoun Confusion

Whereas translation from CyraCom delivers:

  • Language Accuracy
  • Quality Assurance Process
  • Localization & Cultural Awareness
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Data Security

Can MT Replace Human Translation?

In short, not yet. Learning more about how MT has advanced and the challenges users may encounter is crucial to determining the right translation option for your organization.

CyraCom has qualified translators and editors to give you the reassurance you need for your translation projects. Partnering with CyraCom helps you access these advantages:

  • Translators and editors with subject matter expertise in 100+ industries
  • 300+ languages offered with literacy level adherence
  • Multiple projects can be completed simultaneously within our secure Translation Portal
  • Long-term savings and terminology consistency with our Translation Memory Database

Go to our page, “Can Machine Translation Replace Human Translators?” to learn more.

Let’s chat about your translation needs!

Contact our team at today to ask questions or request a free translation quote.

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