Interview with a CyraCom Implementation Specialist

Lindsay Lawson
6 Min Read

While some language services “solutions” arrive in a box, CyraCom’s Implementation Specialists help our new clients set up their interpretation services. We interviewed one of our GoLive Team’s Implementation Specialists to share how we make setup, training, and rollout easy for your team.

Hi Eric! Can you tell us a bit about what you and your team do to help CyraCom clients?

Sure! I like to think of our team as the traveling ambassadors for CyraCom. We help new clients with project management and setting up everything they’ll need to use our services. We also assist with staff training and provide solutions for technology issues so they’re ready to incorporate video and phone interpreters before we leave.

The GoLive Team’s goal is to make implementation as fast, smooth, and worry-free as possible while minimizing the time spent transitioning from one service to another.

How does CyraCom’s implementation service work?

Every year, our GoLive Team helps hundreds of new clients switch to CyraCom, free of charge.

If you have a large system that needs help with implementation, we send our staff of experienced implementation specialists to you for support. If you are a smaller system, we help onboard you remotely. We typically follow three simple steps:Implementation Specialist 02-07

  1. Consultation & Planning
    Two weeks before implementation, the GoLive Team will determine your needs, identify areas for improvement, and create a detailed project plan.

  2. Facility Assessment & Rollout
    We work closely with your team to evaluate needs in all facilities, identify the best locations for equipment, gather stakeholder feedback, and set everything up for you. Once everything is in place, we conduct staff training and distribute service access instructions and support materials.

  3. Ongoing Support
    Our team doesn’t just set your system up and move on—we stay in touch to track successes and areas for improvement. We help you problem-solve and can even provide ongoing training sessions. Plus, we keep you informed of new services, resources, and events that can help you improve your language access plan.

How is CyraCom’s implementation different from that of other language service providers?

Many clients have told us how helpful it is to have our team there to assist them. Beyond basic setup, our experience working with many health systems helps us implement best practices and create efficiencies. We don’t force you to figure out setup, training, and rollout unaided.

The truth is, interpretation services aren’t effective unless they’re implemented correctly–and they may not be compliant either. Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act requires “Adequate training to users of the technology and other involved individuals so that they may quickly and efficiently set up and operate [it]” when using remote interpretation solutions. CyraCom’s GoLive Team ensures your staff has the resources and knowledge they need to meet federal requirements.

Which service features are clients most excited about?

Implementation Specialist 01-04During the height of the pandemic, our telehealth options were a big selling point. Now, clients are really excited about CyraCom’s Single Sign-On feature—they call it a “game-changer.” Instead of logging in and entering PINs, account numbers, or passwords, clients’ employees can use their existing equipment and login information to quickly connect with an interpreter.

Most recently, CyraCom’s Epic EHR Interpretation Integration makes it faster and easier than ever to spend less time focusing on technology and more time engaging with patients. CyraCom offers two integration options so our clients can access interpreters without leaving the patient’s chart.

What’s one of your favorite memories from your time at CyraCom?

Implementation Specialist 01-02Years ago, I was at a hospital in California showing a group of nurses how to use our dual-handset blue phones. A distraught Vietnamese woman came in with her daughter, who had an injured arm – the mother was frantically trying to communicate what was wrong, but none of us understood her. I picked up the phone, pressed a button, said “Vietnamese,” and got an interpreter on the line in seconds. Once the interpreter was on the line, everyone could communicate and relax, knowing she’d get help for her daughter.

The moments when you get to see how we truly help people are so rewarding. I’m lucky to have a job with a greater purpose and meaning.

If you’re worried about the hassle of swapping language service providers, CyraCom can help.

Contact us today to learn more about CyraCom’s high-quality language services provided by our helpful, award-winning client support team.

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