NEW: Joint Commission Standards Resource for Language Access

Regina Wetzel
1 Min Read

Are you having trouble getting through the Joint Commission Accreditation Manual and finding the standards relevant to language access? You’re in luck: CyraCom did the hard work for you!

On our new Joint Commission Standards for Language Access page, we break down the standards into 6 easy-to-digest steps to help you make sure your organization is compliant.

Step 1: Research

Understanding your local patient population and considering their age, language, and ability to understand.

Step 2: Plan

Creating a language access strategy for communicating information both verbally and in writing.

Step 3: Prepare the Staff

Developing qualifications for your bilingual employees and training all staff on how to access language services.

Step 4: Collect Data

Collecting patient language information that is easy for staff to collect and use and that produces clear data.

Step 5: Inform

Educating and being transparent with your patients regarding their various patient rights.

Step 6: Provide Care

Using language services to help you confirm patient consent and avoid miscommunication.

Ready to dive in? Check out the page here:

 Joint Commission Standards for Language Access


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