Everything you need to know about our emergency language services

Lindsay Lawson
3 Min Read

CyraCom’s high-quality emergency language services can help your organization prepare for catastrophes and keep communication flowing during a disaster. From severe weather to medical crises to 9-1-1 calls, emergencies require fast action and accurate communication to reduce harm.

Large-scale crises can be even more perilous for people who are limited-English proficient (LEP) if critical information isn’t available in their primary language. For example, LEP individuals may rely on second-hand or unverified/unreliable sources if they cannot get information in a language they can understand.

Here’s how our interpretation and translation services can support your team during emergencies and help protect LEP community members:

Emergency interpretation

Priority queue for 9-1-1 calls

Eliminating language barriers on 9-1-1 calls can save lives. CyraCom’s priority queue for PSAPs helps ensure call takers don’t waste precious time waiting to get an interpreter on the line.

Streamlined, faster connection

We offer several opportunities to auto-authenticate your account and remove extra steps standing between your team and our interpreters. For example:

  • Customized language menus: Callers can select the language they need from a menu before reaching your call taker, such as “Press 1 for Spanish.” You can choose up to nine language options and tailor the languages to your needs.
  • PSAP centers set up to dial & connect: Our implementation team configures auto-authentication for PSAP centers, eliminating the need to enter account numbers and PINs to connect with an interpreter.

High service availability & workforce optimization

CyraCom’s phone interpretation services operate 24/7/365. With our multiple large-scale contact centers across the US, we can reroute calls for optimal connection times. For example, if a hurricane impacts our center in Tampa, Florida, we deviate calls to other centers to deliver uninterrupted service.

Interpreters trained to assist with emergencies

CyraCom’s employee interpreters complete 80 hours of training, including how to handle emergency calls. We teach our interpreters to stay calm and adapt their tone and speed to mirror your call-taker’s sense of urgency. Classroom training covers common terminology and processes, including:

  • Obtaining an unknown address
  • Working with non-English callers in impaired mental states (intoxication, mental illness, etc.)
  • Domestic violence and other violent crimes

Emergency translation

Does your organization use written materials to communicate with the public during an emergency? CyraCom can help you prepare translated text for emergency communication in advance, including:

  • Evacuation instructions
  • Safety guidelines
  • Informational brochures
    • Emergency shelters
    • Medical services
    • Available resources

As an emergency occurs, our translation team can assist with rush projects, such as:

  • Press releases & fact sheets
  • Website & social media content

No matter the emergency, CyraCom’s experts are ready to support you.

Contact us at getstarted@cyracom.com to connect with our language services experts.

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