5 resources to help you create more engaging eLearning content

Lindsay Lawson
2 Min Read

If you use eLearning courses to engage your employees or audiences, you’ll want to check out CyraCom’s helpful resources. Our best practices can help you communicate clearly and effectively, no matter which language your audience speaks.

1. How to create better eLearning content

Whether you’re creating a new eLearning course or updating your existing content, our tips and tricks will help you improve user experience, text, and design. Plus, we include tips to save on eLearning translation projects.

2. A step-by-step guide to CyraCom’s eLearning translation process

Translating and localizing your eLearning content can feel daunting. With various slides, voiceover, graphics, and other content to translate, where should you begin? Learn how CyraCom’s translation team protects your data and executes a thorough quality assurance process for each project.

3. When should you use captioning, subtitles, voiceover, or dubbing?

Visuals have been found to improve learning by up to 400%, and video-based learning can deliver a more engaging learning experience to hybrid workers. This article defines and describes the best ways to incorporate captioning, subtitles, and VO to improve inclusivity and comprehension.

4. Transcription services to support people with limited vision

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the human brain is visual? If you need to train people with limited vision, transcription services can help you communicate your message without sacrificing quality.

5. Interview with a CyraCom Translation Project Manager

Translating eLearning courses helps your organization convey crucial information to your employees. Review our interview with one of CyraCom’s Translation Project Managers to learn how we make the process quick and easy for your team.

Want to save on eLearning translation? Request a free quote for your next project!

Contact our team at translation@cyracom.com to ask questions or submit a request for a free quote.

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