Data security is more important than ever. Is your LSP a risk?

Regina Wetzel
3 Min Read

Data breaches can be costly.

The average cost of a data breach is $3.86M, according to a 2020 study. 

Additionally, any security breaches could result in that data being stolen or accessed, putting you at risk for HIPAA noncompliance. Even if the breach is not your company’s fault, you could still be liable and face consequences for noncompliance, especially if you don’t address what caused the breach in the first place.

Partner with a language services vendor that prioritizes data security

Our information security management system is ISO-accredited

CyraCom successfully passed a third-party audit to earn the internationally recognized ISO 27001:2013 certification, demonstrating that our systems preserve information privacy and security through a proven risk management process. We acquired this accreditation to show our clients that we effectively safeguard and protect their data. CyraCom is the first US-based language services provider to obtain the ISO 27001 certification.

As part of our compliant information security management system, we adhere to specific technical controls across our systems. These controls include but are not limited to:

  • Network firewalls with intrusion detection and prevention systems
  • Interpreter restriction from outbound email, whitelisted internet access, and inability to save or store data
  • Blocking any information exporting via removable media, email, or network printers

We have a HIPAA and security-compliant workforce

CyraCom promotes compliance with HIPAA and other privacy rules through initial and annual compliance training, internal and external audits, and internal controls. Our extensive employee interpreter training program covers Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI), privacy and confidentiality, and non-disclosure policies.

We never record calls

To help protect our clients and your patients’ or customers’ personal information, CyraCom never records calls. That way, in the unlikely event of a breach, no data from client calls is compromised.

CyraCom keeps your files secure

The traditional translation industry practice is to email files to translators’ individual computers, where they are then worked on in external, potentially unsecured systems. CyraCom’s Translation Portal helps to mitigate that security risk.

After our clients upload their project files to our Portal, our qualified linguists can then translate, edit, and proofread projects directly within our secure system. For most types of projects, there is no need to download documents onto their personal computers, and the completed translation exists only in the Portal.

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