How to compare language services RFP responses

Lindsay Lawson
2 Min Read

Once you’ve learned how to write an RFP, sent it out into the world, and received responses, it’s time for your selection committee to review and evaluate potential partnerships. What criteria should you look for? How will you compare language services providers?

Here are four critical evaluation themes to consider: 

  • Quality of Services
  • Account Support
  • Data Security
  • Transparent Pricing

Check out the overview below. For access to our full article and other helpful information about language services RFPs, check out CyraCom’s RFP Resources Page.

Quality of Service

Investing in high-quality language services helps ensure your customers, clients, or patients can effectively communicate with your staff. So how can you determine if a language services provider (LSP) will deliver the level of service you need? Check RFP responses for information about:

  • Trained, reliable interpreters
  • Quality-assured translation
  • Externally-verified business practices

Account Support

Beyond high-quality language services, you need an LSP that offers excellent customer service to your staff. While all companies promote robust support systems, you’ll need to compare details to help ensure a good fit for your team.

Which details should you compare? Find out in the full version of this article, one of our new RFP Resources.

Data Security

Linguists regularly handle sensitive information. You need detailed information about the LSP’s security measures to protect your organization, patients, or customers from a data breach or HIPAA non-compliance. Verify each LSP’s ability to safeguard confidential information.

Transparent Pricing

Language services pricing isn’t as simple as comparing the cost per minute—you need to know the value you’ll receive. 

Download CyraCom’s RFP Pricing Template

If you have more questions about interpretation or translation services RFPs, CyraCom has more resources for you!

CyraCom’s new RFP Resources help you throughout every step of the RFP process from learning how to write an RFP to comparing responses.

Access the full version of this post, our RFP Guides, our recommended pricing template, and more.

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