Choosing the best LSP to translate legal documents

Lindsay Lawson
4 Min Read

Taking on international cases or limited-English proficient (LEP) clients often requires translating legal documents and evidentiary materials. Here are a few criteria you can use to choose the most qualified language services provider (LSP) for your legal translation needs:

Translation QualityTranslation quality

You should never have to worry about the accuracy of translated language in critical legal documents. Your chosen LSP should deliver:

Subject matter expertise: Translating evidentiary documents requires a nuanced understanding of legal terminology and industry norms that the average translator may not possess. You need an LSP that hires translators familiar with the legal system and ensures the meaning of the translated text doesn’t change.

Quality assurance processes: How does the LSP verify your translated content is accurate, correctly formatted, and error-free? Ask potential translation partners about the steps they take to proofread, edit, and review translations.

 Culturally sensitive localization: Beyond converting words from one language to another, localization helps your content look and feel like it was written in the target language. High-quality translators account for differences in formatting, legal terminology, and other cultural nuances that can impact readability and accuracy.

Learn about CyraCom’s high-quality translation services for the legal industry


Data security & confidentiality

Data SecurityYour firm needs a translation partner that proactively guards your clients’ private information. Ask potential LSPs about:

Protecting data within a secure translation portal: Some LSPs email source documents to translators, meaning your clients’ information may be stored on external, potentially unsecured systems. Look for a partner that protects private data within a secure translation portal.

Vetted translators: Ask potential translation partners how they qualify their translators, including whether they perform background checks. Does the LSP use unvetted independent contractors or employee translators?

Third-party information security accreditations: Anyone can claim they’ll protect your information, but how will you verify their security protocols will meet your needs? Confirm your LSP has relevant accreditations, such as an ISO 27001:2013 Certification – Information Security Management.

Learn about CyraCom’s approach to data security


Account support

Account SupportPartnering with a trustworthy and responsive LSP to deliver high-quality document translation helps you better serve your clients. Make sure you choose a translation partner that provides:

Fair & transparent pricing: Avoid LSPs with confusing pricing and unexplained fees. Your translation partner should provide fast, free quotes for translation projects and invoices with simple, per-word pricing.

Dedicated project management: You need a responsive, knowledgeable project manager to walk you through the translation process step-by-step. Having a single point of contact who can answer questions and keep your project on track ensures a smooth, stress-free process.

Simple, real-time reporting: Whether you need to track the status of a current project or want to re-download past translations, the data you’re looking for should be at your fingertips. Make sure your translation partner provides access to information whenever you need it.

Learn about CyraCom’s award-winning client support

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