Can machine translation (MT) replace human translators?

Machine Translation (MT) has advanced significantly in the past decade to the…

The benefits of Translation Memory for health and human services

When your organization needs to complete multiple translation projects, cost becomes important…

Survey says: CyraCom’s interpretation app an easy alternative to on-site

Remote interpretation services have become a popular alternative to on-site interpretation. In…

Interview with a CyraCom Translation Project Manager

CyraCom is proud of the quality assurance process we’ve developed for our…

NEW: Language Access 101 Course

When did you last review your language access program? Whether you’re new…

Translation opportunities for open enrollment

The U.S. Health Insurance Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is coming up quickly.…

Transcription services to support people with limited vision

When was the last time you evaluated your accommodations for those who…

How language services can help you support domestic violence survivors

The last thing a domestic violence survivor should worry about is accessing…

Translation services for credit unions

How are you communicating with members who speak another language? CyraCom provides…

Essential translation services to market your industry

In honor of International Translation Day on September 30, 2022, CyraCom’s team…