Improve communication with Hispanic customers

Lindsay Lawson
6 Min Read

The United States’ rapidly growing Hispanic population is increasing business competition for this desirable market segment. So, how can you increase sales with Hispanic consumers? We recommend starting with the basics— offering culturally appropriate, accurate language services. Spanish interpretation and translation services help you effectively communicate with limited-English proficient (LEP) members of your target audience, which can lead to a better bottom line.

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we’d like to share interesting facts that may help you improve your organization’s communication with LEP Hispanic customers. Let’s dive in!

What you need to know about Hispanic consumers

First, you should know Hispanics and Latinos are not necessarily the same. Hispanics are descended from Spanish-speaking populations, while Latinos are of Latin American descent.


The United States’ Hispanic population reached 63.7 million in 2022, making up 19% of the overall population.

  • The US population grew by 23.1 million from 2010 to 2021, and Hispanics accounted for 52% of this increase – a greater share than any other racial or ethnic group.
  • The Hispanic American population is projected to increase to 111 million by 2060, increasing from 19% of the US population to 28%.
  • 13 states are home to more than a million Hispanic residents: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington.
  • In a 2016 survey, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that more than 3 out of 5 Hispanic participants identified as Mexican.
  • 49% of Hispanic American households have children under the age of 18.


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Opportunities for growth & improvement by industry

Why you need to provide language services to Hispanic consumers

  • Interpretation services help you increase consumer satisfaction and improve customer experiences:
    • 71.5% of customer service leaders claim that support in a native language increases satisfaction.
    • The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) studied the impact of businesses adding language services support to their customer service channels. A majority of contact center managers told ICMI that providing language services:
      • Improved satisfaction with customer support
      • Positively impacted customers that prefer a language other than English
      • Increased customer loyalty
    • LEP consumers are more likely to choose your product or services if you translate marketing and informative content:
      • Given a choice between buying two similar products, 76% of customers will choose the one with information in their native language. In addition, 40% will never buy from websites in other languages. (CSA Research)
      • 70% of end-users say they feel more loyal to companies that provide support in their native language (ICMI)
      • 65% of surveyed customers prefer content in their language, even if it’s poor quality, and 73% want product reviews in their language, if nothing else. (CSA Research)
      • Businesses that expand their translation budgets are 1.5 times more likely to report an overall increase in revenue. (CSA Research)

Additional resources

Need help reaching Hispanic consumers?

Contact CyraCom for a complimentary language services consultation.

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