3 key benefits of Epic EHR interpretation integration

Lindsay Lawson
3 Min Read

Does your team use Epic electronic health records (EHR) to track and organize patient information? Whether you’re meeting patients in-person or via telehealth appointments, Epic EHR helps healthcare providers document treatment and patient needs. By downloading an interpretation integration for Epic, your staff can streamline appointments with limited-English proficient (LEP) and deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHOH) patients who need communication support from qualified interpreters.

CyraCom offers two Epic EHR integration options:

Let’s review the benefits of integrating CyraCom’s high-quality interpretation services directly into Epic.

1. Connect with an interpreter faster

Using Epic integration helps your team spend less time focusing on technology and more time engaging with patients.

With CyraCom’s Epic integrations, there’s:

No need to leave the patient’s chart and open up other applications: CyraCom’s interpreter apps are built into the Epic EHR, so providers can access CyraCom’s interpretation services without leaving Epic.

No need to scroll through languages to pick the right one: The patient’s language will pre-populate when you pull up the CyraCom apps within Epic.

No need to schedule an interpreter for your appointments: CyraCom interpreters are available on demand. Accessibility works the same as our other access options.

2. Strengthen continuity of care

Telehealth appointments can strengthen continuity of care, extend access outside of normal clinic hours, and ease the impact of clinician shortages in rural areas and among underserved populations. CyraCom’s Epic integration makes it easier for your staff to add an interpreter to the telehealth call, bypassing steps such as entering account numbers and PINs and selecting the patient’s language.

3. Improve cultural competence, patient understanding, & satisfaction

Fast, high-quality interpretation services help your team deliver culturally competent care to LEP and DHOH patients. Epic interpretation integration provides another way to show your patients you care about meeting their individual needs, which can encourage better ratings in HCAHPS surveys and improve your CMS Star Rating. For example, accessing CyraCom’s empathetic, friendly, and knowledgeable interpreters via Epic helps patients gain a deeper understanding of the healthcare services or procedures they need.

Learn more about improving your hospital’s CMS Quality Star Ratings with language services

Ready to integrate CyraCom’s interpretation services into Epic EHR?

Schedule a complimentary language services consultation with our team today

For current clients: Contact your CyraCom account manager to get started. You will also need to work with your Epic Specialists to complete the installation.

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