CyraCom’s 2024 Roundtable event registration is open!

Lindsay Lawson
5 Min Read

CyraCom’s Roundtable events create the perfect opportunity to network with peers, hear dynamic speakers’ strategies for using language services, and enjoy a free lunch. Our team is proud to provide valuable language services information in a format that works well for our clients.


What you need to know about CyraCom’s 2024 Roundtables

For the past decade (excluding the pandemic years), CyraCom’s language services experts have hosted Roundtables for healthcare professionals. Our “lunch and learn” events have evolved over time, but always feature:

  • Knowledgeable guest speakers
  • Valuable language services information & strategies
  • Scheduled time for networking
  • Low time commitment – events only last a few hoursmeeting-(round-table)---2023
  • No cost to attend – plus a free lunch!

2024 Roundtable Locations & Dates

  • Baltimore, MD 4/23/24
  • Philadelphia, PA 4/24/24
  • Jersey City, NJ 4/26/24
  • Denver, CO 5/23/24
  • Cleveland, OH 6/13/24


It’s easy for current clients to register! Visit our Roundtables page and fill out the form to sign up to attend one or more events.

What makes CyraCom Roundtable events special?Insights-2

Informed insights

Want to stay ahead with the latest trends and solutions in healthcare language services? CyraCom Roundtables feature dynamic guest speakers’ unique perspectives and strategies for maximizing the impact of your language services. Last year’s topics included:

Language Access in Healthcare: Drew Stevens, a nationally recognized expert in the nondiscrimination provisions of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, summarized the regulatory requirements related to language access in healthcare.

“Having the speaker explain current updates on ACA, Section 1557, etc., was very helpful! I would definitely recommend Roundtables because they’re informative.” – 2023 Atlanta Roundtable attendee

Check out our resource: ACA Section 1557 Final Rule – What’s changed & what’s the same

VRI for Ambulatory & Inpatient Facilities: Sarah Hesler, UK HealthCare’s Language Services Director, shared examples of the impact of video remote interpreting (VRI) on operational efficiency and patient healthcare, including lessons learned through integration and growth.

“I had a great experience and especially enjoyed Sarah’s presentation and all the questions/discussions
around it. Roundtables are fun and informative events that help you meet the CyraCom team and language services experts in the area.” – 2023 Baltimore Roundtable attendee

Learn more about UK HealthCare’s creative language services solutions

Collaborate-2Connect & collaborate

CyraCom Roundtables include networking time built into the agenda, ensuring you can connect with peers and industry experts from your area. Each lunch-and-learn event features a knowledgeable guest speaker and the opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussions. Plus, CyraCom’s Account Managers and other language services experts attend to share additional best practices and offer insights into new opportunities.

“Connecting with staff and language services colleagues is the best
part of Roundtables. It helps to learn that we are not alone and share many with the same struggles.”  – 2023 New York Roundtable attendee

Spark inspiration & empower your teamRoundtable Blogpost - 01-02

If you’re looking for fresh ways to implement language services, CyraCom’s Roundtables provide inspiration from success stories and innovative language access approaches. In addition to sharing our own tips and tricks, we select guest speakers who have experience implementing fresh, innovative language services strategies.

“I loved seeing how other facilities provide language access. I walked away with a lot of knowledge!”
– 2023 Philadelphia Roundtable attendee

Roundtable Blogpost - 01-01

“Even if you have sufficient language access knowledge, you always learn more
and get a chance to help other colleagues/peers. I also received great info from my account manager.” – 2023 New York Roundtable attendee


Ready to register for the 2024 Roundtables?

Check out our Roundtables page and complete the form to register for an event near you. We look forward to seeing you there!

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